We had been contacted by The Standard who had a local resident with seeds which she wished to give to Boston. They came from a monkey puzzle tree she had grown, The seeds for that had come from a tree being cut down on Sleaford Road to make way for a new road to ADSA in 1996. She gave us seeds and little trees she had grownand they were very popular people who had read the article come in to learn more.
Hard work began on all our beds as spring began. The hundreds of bulbs we had planted grew in profusion, the planters we had tended sprang into life. There was far less vandalism and litter in them.
We have planted hundreds of plants in the park, at the Art Deco garden , the long beds and in the police beds replacing some and putting new ones in. . We lost most of the hebes in the police beds during the cold snap. We helped the station adopters with geraniums in the raised planter, we helped the Friends of the Cemetery with red lobelia for their new flowerbed commemorating the Boston men who fell during the 2nd World War.
May 2023
May brought the King’s Coronation and a new bed in the park to mark this occasion. The park is well used, we are there a lot. Mums and children picnic near this area and often use this bed as a table or something to sit on, so volunteer Bridget designed C R lll surrounded with camomile so that if sat on it would smell nice and be hardier that out succulents. These were reused from last year’s crown to make the letters.
We also reused the succulents in the station planters on the platform under the canopy and these have been a great success.
We approached The Salvation Army about their area on the roadside. They had asked for help in planting bulbs and pansies near their entry. They have a mums and toddler group that wanted to get involved.
Jackie from the LCVS group gave us the details of the Men’s shed in Fenside and we asked them if they could make some planters for the little group. They have and one has been planted by the children. It looks lovely.
We are also working with our old friends Thistles of Sutterton who have a new CEO. They produce their own plants and we suggested that they have a new bed on Pilgrims Patch which was looking neglected. They dug it over, we got them some plants and they raised some too and they planted it with help from Endeavour School. It’s a success!
June 2023
We are working with Jackie from the LCVS supported by BBL, on a major re vamp of Pilgrim’s Patch We have started with the toddlers at the SA, we have Thistles and their bed too and now there will be the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, LCVS Bloom and RSPB working over the next few months to make a difference. The Home Nursery are also interested, and we hope the Pioneer School will come on board.
This is on an important site passed by 3000 cars an hour, we hope all the organisations will work together over the next year to establish and maintain the pollinator beds we start.
The Chair took part in the Radio Lincs broadcast extolling the history and vibrancy of our town.
We have the date for the visit from the East Midland’s in Bloom judges, 4th July, and they will visit many of our sites. Our pollinator bed at the Police station has been enjoyed by hundreds of passers by and we made this video.