February proved a better month for us, as there was much catching up to do. We had a couple of sessions in the park, still much too cold to plant but good for clearing up. There is far less litter in the park now and the skate park is well used bu the young.

We are still asked if we are paid and work for the council, we say we do it as we have pride in our town!
The Railway station planter is looking good, and the station adopters work on the planters. We are waiting for the start building work but we have no information yet. We supplied some succulents from our Jubilee bed for them to plant in the station canopy planters. It has been a difficult area as it is so shaded, we hope these will take.
Police Station
We then turned our attention to the long Police beds, dug our creeping buttercup and two volunteers planted it in the wildflower meadow on Haven Bridge. We are thinking of the FIshermen’s Memorial beds as now Levelling Up funds have veep recieved by the Borough it will be an area where there will be big changes.
We hope to save as many of the plants as we can. We were unable to work there when there was a Police incident, however we hope to work with the police cadets in one or two problem areas highlighted by the Police.
We will do what we can to help with the residents in these central town places.
Pollinator Borders
We have done a lot of work in this area in March, the pollinator beds look lovely and are admired by passers by. We have ordered our plants for these beds and for the park, all sustainable perennial pollinators.
And lastly, we were in The Stump on Saturday celebrating Boston, and meeting residents who wanted our money puzzle seeds and plants.
Lots more work to do in the next quarter!