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Metal statues located on a Boston roundabout have overnight suffered graffiti targeting Brexit. Photos emerged on social media in the early hours of this morning (Thursday) showing the damage.

The statues, positioned on Boston’s Bargate Roundabout, kindly paid for by the late Garth Isaac have stood proud on the roundabout for three years, but after the attack, Boston in Bloom has been left shocked.

Partnership chairman, Alison Fairman, said: The statues, installed in 2016, have been an enjoyable welcome to anyone travelling into the town from Skegness, Spilsby or Horncastle, and we’re deeply saddened to see that they’ve been the target of electioneering.”

Boston in Bloom are grateful to the Boston Town Area Committee Town Maintenance Team, along with Johnsons Garden Centre, which finished the project in Garth’s memory, who have ensured a swift and timely remedy.

Boston in Bloom is a group of hard-working volunteers, donating time and expertise to improve the appearance of the town centre. It has provided revitalisation of areas, by regeneration and installation of new, attractive features including artworks, working with various artists and funding sources, alongside working in partnership with Boston Borough Council, enabling the town to been brightened by planters, floral arrangements and much more.

Thanks to the efforts of the Boston in Bloom volunteers, Boston recorded its fourth in-bloom gold medal last year, and will be aiming for a fifth in 2019.

Volunteers and sponsorship are being sought by the partnership, and if you’d like to support them, you can contact via Facebook ( or on their website,