Litter is a concern to many. There has never been a time when people have been more concerned about the environment.
An annual opportunity to get involved in doing something about it is coming around again with the Big Boston Clean Up.
For four days, from Monday, April 9, to Thursday, April 12, you can be part of the clean-up team helping make a difference in Boston.
“Every year we have a small army of volunteers who turn out to help. It always becomes a real social event, with family members, friends and work colleagues teaming up, often to work at cleaning up the areas where they live,” said Jen Moore, Boston Borough Council’s environment and sustainability officer.
Many businesses and partner agencies such as the Environment Agency and the internal drainage boards support the event, helping clean the streets and waterways.
Volunteers meet each morning at 9am at the council offices at Municipal Buildings, West Street, and are equipped for the day with collection sacks, mechanical litter pickers, gloves and high-visibility safety vests and given their areas to work in. All volunteers get a free lunch.
ASDA and Freshtime have been thanked for agreeing to sponsor this year’s event.
If you want to get involved please fill in the online form at, telephone Jen on 01205 314583 or pop into Municipal Buildings for a pledge form.
During March the primary schools in Boston get involved in the Big Schools Clean Up clearing in and around their school grounds. So far Hawthorn Tree, Carlton Road and Boston West have been out litter picking in their local areas.
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