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Nominations are invited for the first worthy recipient of The Robert Lauberts Award.

Rob, a hard-working supporter of Boston in Bloom, died last year after a short battle with cancer.
He worked tirelessly alongside his wife, Rachel, on improvements to Boston, especially the revamp of Custom House Quay and the garden at the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex. He was also the enthusiastic chairman of Main Ridge East Placecheck Group, secretary of Boston Greenscapers, chairman of Boston Big Local Boosting Local Economy Group and chairman of Boston Community Forum. He was driven in his volunteering efforts by a passion to make Boston a better place to live.
Boston in Bloom will award a cup in his memory, engraved with the name of each year’s winner, and a framed certificate to keep. This year’s sponsors, Poyntons, property consultants of Boston, will provide a £100 gift voucher for the winner.
Nominations are now invited and nomination forms are available to be filled in and entered online The Robert Lauberts Award. They are also available from reception at Boston Borough Council’s offices at Municipal Buildings in West Street. All nominations need to be with Maddy Eyre, The Robert Lauberts Award, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR, by Wednesday, March 23.
Nominations should recognise commitment to community or environmental endeavour.
The judging panel will be looking for a nominee who has been a volunteer and made a significant contribution in the Boston town area – the part of the borough not covered by its own parish council.
The Robert Lauberts Award will be presented at the Boston Borough Council Service to the Community Awards in the council chamber at Municipal Buildings on the evening of Tuesday, April 5.
Rachel said: “It will be an honour for this to be awarded annually in Rob’s memory. Rob’s ethos was all about making a difference in Boston and making it a place where you wanted to live.”