Boston’s in-bloom team has announced the route for judges to follow this summer.
The East Midlands in Bloom judges only allocate two-and-a-half hours for their Boston tour. Some new elements have been introduced for 2016 to freshen things up.
The route will take in the Butterfly Hospice grounds, Willoughby Road allotments, Wide Bargate, Memorial Gardens, Central Park entrance, Pescod Square, Market Place, B & M open space, Custom House Quay, Haven Bridge, Pilgrims’ Patch and Fydell House.
Ian Farmer, Boston Borough Council’s partnerships and sustainability manager, said: “The allocation of only two-and-half hours, excluding the presentation and publicity, presents practical difficulties. Travel time needs to be minimised to maximise time at individual features.
“In an ideal world we would have a mix of all the different types of features located together within walking distance. Unfortunately that’s not possible. We feel that the town centre is vital to Boston in Bloom but have extended the route to include a broader area.
Despite the time constraints Boston-in-Bloom chairman, Alison Fairman, pointed out that they would have plenty of initiatives to show the judges. She said “New features this year include bee-friendly habitats and the B & M area, which has been landscaped and decorated with attractive public artworks”.
Witham Way Country Park will be shown to the judges as part of the introductory presentation.
In-bloom vice-chairman, Councillor Claire Rylott said “We are very grateful for the continuing support that we receive from volunteers, sponsors, local organisations such as Community Payback and the business community which tops up the council’s planting schemes.”